
Join Rockdale Rotary

Rotary membership is by invitation only, and receiving an invitation is an honor. If, after attending a few meetings, you decide you'd like to become a Rockdale Rotarian, you will need to have a current Rockdale Rotarian sponsor your application. You will then submit an application form, which will be reviewed and voted by the Board. Once approved, you will be inducted into the club and invoiced for dues. A Board member will work with you to schedule an orientation session and ensure that you find your place in Rotary and make the most of it!

Four-Way Test

The Four-Way Test is an ethical guide to be used by all Rotarians in their personal and professional relationships.
We strive to be able to answer "yes" to each principle of the Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, and do:
  • Is it the TRUTH?
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?