Rockdale Rotary Club was honored as Organization of the Year by the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce ... for the second year in a row! We are proud to serve our community and honored to be recognized for our Service Above Self.
Earth Day Event: Great Turn-out for Great Speakers!Rockdale Rotary Club had a great turn-out, inspiring speakers, and an enthusiastic audience at our second annual Earth Day educational event on April 16! Click "read more" to hear all about it!
Donation to RISD Education FoundationRockdale Rotary Donated $500 To The RISD Education Foundation Today.
2023 Pints for Polio a Success!!Rockdale Rotary Pints For Polio Fundraiser Raised Over $3,400 Tonight At East Bell Tap House. Thank You To Auctioneer Ward Roddam And Service Project Chair Sandy Langwell Along With All The Other Rotarians That Helped Make This Event A Huge Success!
Rotary Baseball NightGreat night at the Dell Diamond Ball Park
Rockdale Rotary Club RYLA 2023
Rockdale Rotary Club 2022-23 Scholarships
Pints for Polio EventCome join us on Sunday, October 15 from 1PM to 6PM at the East Bell Taphouse to raise funds to eradicate polio!
Scholarships AwardedRockdale Rotary Presented Scholarship Awards At Rockdale High School This Past Week. We Personally Want To Thank All The Students That Applied, We Really Appreciate And Value All Of Your Hard Work! Remember, If You Can Dream It...You Can Do It! |
Rockdale Rotary Receives Organization of the Year AwardRockdale Rotary Club Was Presented With Organization Of The Year at the Chamber of Commerce Banquet and Chuck Keagy Recieved An Award For Completing The Leadership Program 2022-2023.
Ceremony At The Rockdale Intermediate SchoolWe Had Ten Rotarians Participating In The Seven Essential Mind Set Award Ceremony At The Rockdale Intermediate School Today, Closing Out The School Year With Outstanding Generosity! A Huge Thank You To The School Staff And Teachers Who Engaged In This Program. Congratulations To All The Children Who Were Recognized.
Rotary at the Start of the United NationsRotary and the United Nations have a shared history of working toward peace and addressing humanitarian issues around the world. During World War II, Rotary informed and educated members about the formation of the United Nations and the importance of planning for peace. Materials such as the booklet “From Here On!” and articles in The Rotarian helped members understand the UN before it was formally established and follow its work after its charter. |
Young Inventor Eco-Friendly Bricks Come Full CircleEvery hero has an origin story. “I was 10 years old when the entire journey started,” explains Binish Desai. It began with a cartoon called Captain Planet, an animated TV series from the 1990s about an environmentalist with superpowers. Desai can still recite the show’s refrain: Captain Planet, he’s our hero / Gonna take pollution down to zero! “That tagline stuck in my mind,” he says. “I wanted to do something to help Captain Planet.” |
History of Women in RotaryWomen are active participants in Rotary, serving their communities in increasing numbers and serving in leadership positions in Rotary. The 1989 Council on Legislation vote to admit women into Rotary clubs worldwide remains a watershed moment in the history of Rotary. The vote followed the decades-long efforts of men and women from all over the Rotary world to allow the admission of women into Rotary clubs, and several close votes at previous Council meetings.